Settlement Name: Eltina
Size: Hamlet
Ownership: Oleon
Location: LeBellan
Mayor: none, yet ()
Trade Value: 64
Who can own property: anyone
Who can freebuild: anyone
Settlement-Thread: to Eurobricks

1 small / medium properties (+ 5 DBs)
0 large properties (+ 0 DBs)
0 ship license freebuilds (+ 0 DBs)
0 MCRA result MOCs (+ 0 DBs)
1 other unlicensed freebuilds (+ 5 DBs)
Monthly income: 10 DBs

Licensed Properties towards town size (large/royal 2x)
0x Artisan
0x Residence
1x Commerce
0x Factory
0x Art and Culture
0x Education

Description ⇳Type ⇳Class ⇳Size ⇳Builder ⇳
At The Docksfreebuild--Mr. Townsenddetails
Grocery Store Of The Pons Familyproperty (licensed)Commerce buildingsmallblackdeathgrdetails
Earthwork fortificationschallenge2A-blackdeathgrdetails
"How Eltina Was Saved - CH2b" Or The Semaphore Stationchallenge2B-blackdeathgrdetails